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Longform Articles & Stories 2.3.others
A robust app featuring ALL FREE Longform Articles, MagazineArticles, Feature Stories, Journalism Narratives, and ClassicArticles along with integrated Search and Account functions.Features: ★ Thousands of Longform Articles and Stories in ourSearch Database ★ Hand Selected Articles and Stories Added Daily ★Best Magazine Feature Stories Available ★ Account Features AllowArticle Submit by Users ★ Thousands of Categories Tagged by Authorand Publication ★ Integrated Article Sharing and Saving OptionsStory Categories: ★ Crime Articles ★ Culture Stories ★ Sex Features★ Business Narratives ★ Political Long Articles ★ Classic Stories ★Easy Read Interface ★ Technology News ★ Cool New Look for Fall ★Plus it's ALL FREE! As a small market app developer we appreciateyour taking the time to get to know us. We welcome any and allsuggestions, feedback or questions so please feel free to reach outto us directly. You can find us at our http://longformstories.comwebsite and on Google+ via you so much! Check out our other highly rated apps as well.Disclaimer: All content provided or linked via our apps is DMCAcompliant and licensed under Creative Commons or in the PublicDomain. All stories and articles linked to via this application arecopyright their respective owners. Please notify us immediately ifyou have any questions regarding this issue.
US Constitution Free
A great app featuring the United States Constitution and Audiobooksto read and listen in app via public domain sources. ★ Read AllU.S. Constitution Articles (Preamble Included) ★ Listen and StreamConstitution Audio Books ★ Creation of the Constitution Story ★ FunConstitution Facts ★ Constitution Delegates & Biographies ★Easy in App Reader ★ Very Small Download Size ★ Bill of Rights,Articles of Confederation, Constitutional Convention, Amendments,Founding Fathers, Federalist Papers and More Coming Soon! GeorgeWashington, Thomas Jefferson, Ben Franklin and more of our FoundingFathers included. As a small market app developer we appreciateyour taking the time to get to know us and our always free apps. Wewelcome any and all suggestions, feedback or questions so pleasefeel free to reach out to us directly. You can find us at our website and on Google+ via Thank you so much!Disclaimer: All content provided or linked via our apps is DMCAcompliant and licensed under Creative Commons or in the PublicDomain. Please notify us immediately if you have any questionsregarding this issue.
What a Waist! Weight Loss Free
Featuring the weight loss store with waisttrainers, corsets, weight loss supplements and weight losscleansers. Tips, training, coaching and more for weight management.★ Weight Loss Programs★ Hypnosis★ Pregnancy Weight Loss★ Weight Coaching★ Waist Trainers★ Corsets★ Weight Loss Supplements★ Weight Loss Cleansers★ Weight Management StoreAs a small market app developer we appreciate your taking thetime to get to know us. We welcome any and all suggestions,feedback or questions so please feel free to reach out to usdirectly. You can find us at our website and our corporatesite at http://pearl.stThank you so much! Check out our other highly rated apps aswell.Disclaimer: All content provided or linked via our apps is DMCAcompliant and licensed under Creative Commons or in the PublicDomain. All stories and articles linked to via this application arecopyright their respective owners. Please notify us immediately ifyou have any questions regarding this issue.
RefDesk - Reference Desk
A great reference app featuring tons of resources at yourfingertips. We take all of the references available online andaggregate them in one simple to use app! ★ Encyclopedias ★Dictionaries ★ Maps & Atlas ★ Writing & Style Guides (APA)★ Thesaurus Websites ★ Legal References ★ General References ★Almanacs ★ Countries Sources ★ U.S. Politics References ★ WorldPolitics Sources ★ Quotes Databases ★ News Websites As a smallmarket app developer we appreciate your taking the time to get toknow us and our always free apps. We welcome any and allsuggestions, feedback or questions so please feel free to reach outto us directly. You can find us at our websiteand on Google+ via Thankyou so much! Disclaimer: All content provided or linked via ourapps is DMCA compliant and licensed under Creative Commons or inthe Public Domain. Please notify us immediately if you have anyquestions regarding this issue.
Robert Louis Stevenson Books
A great app featuring All Free Robert Louis Stevenson Books andAudiobooks in app via public domain sources. Treasure Island, TheStrange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, Treasure Island Audiobook,The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde Audiobook, Kidnappedand Kidnapped Audiobook, Prince Otto, A Child's Garden of Verses,Essays and Poems of Robert Louis Stevenson plus Audiobooks andMore! ★ Cool New Interface for 2015 ★ Robert Louis StevensonClassic Books ★ Robert Louis Stevenson Classic Audio Books ★ RobertLouis Stevenson Classic Poems and Essays ★ Easy in App Reader ★Very Small Download Size ★ Robert Louis Stevenson Biography As asmall market app developer we appreciate your taking the time toget to know us and our always free apps. We welcome any and allsuggestions, feedback or questions so please feel free to reach outto us directly. You can find us at our http://www.trustedfeed.comwebsite and on Google+ via you so much! Disclaimer: All content provided or linked viaour apps is DMCA compliant and licensed under Creative Commons orin the Public Domain. Please notify us immediately if you have anyquestions regarding this issue.
Groucho Marx Collection
Featuring All Free Groucho Marx "You Bet Your Life" episodes andother Groucho Marx appearances in app via public domain sources.You Bet Your Life, Jack Benny Show, Dinah Shore Show, The PlotThickens Pilot and More! ★ Cool New Interface for 2015 ★ You BetYour Life Episodes (11 in Public Domain) ★ You Bet Your Life Clipswith Commercials ★ Easy in App Viewer ★ Groucho Marx Bio ★ GrouchoMarx Comedy ★ You Bet Your Life Shows ★ Very Small Download Size ★Marx Brothers Videos As a small market app developer we appreciateyour taking the time to get to know us and our always free apps. Wewelcome any and all suggestions, feedback or questions so pleasefeel free to reach out to us directly. You can find us at our website and on Google+ via Thank you so much!Disclaimer: All content provided or linked via our apps is DMCAcompliant and licensed under Creative Commons or in the PublicDomain. Please notify us immediately if you have any questionsregarding this issue.
Documentaries Free
We listened to our fans! Very proud to introduce the new freedocumentary video app - "Documentaries Free". Included are manygreat free documentary movies, films and videos including the belowsubjects: ★ World War II (WWII) Government Films ★ PropagandaDocumentaries ★ Social Issues Movies ★ War Documentary ★ ClassicDocumentaries ★ 9/11 World Trade Center Videos ★ Political andPresidential Documentaries ★ Space and NASA Videos ★ Search Enginefor Documentaries Database with 17,000 Movies ★ Very Small AppDownload Size (2.4mb) ★ All Free! As always we have done this witha beautiful user dashboard and great functionality. We take greatpride in our other apps you all have enjoyed and appreciate yourinterest in our newest one. As a small development company we knowhow important it is to keep in touch with our customers. With thissaid, we encourage you to contact us with any comments, feedback orquestions. Reach out via our website Keep on rockin' Disclaimer: Allcontent provided or linked via our apps is DMCA compliant andlicensed under Creative Commons or in the Public Domain. Pleasenotify us immediately if you have any questions regarding thisissue.
Leo Tolstoy Books & Audio
A great app featuring All Free Leo Tolstoy Books and Audiobooks toread and enjoy in app via public domain sources. War and Peace, Warand Peace Audiobook, Anna Karenina, Anna Karenina Audiobook, TheComplete Works of Count Tolstoy, The Kingdom of God is Within You,The Kingdom of God is Within You Audiobook, Resurrection,Resurrection Audiobooks 1,2,3 and More! ★ Cool New Interface for2015 ★ Leo Tolstoy Classic Books ★ Leo Tolstoy Audio Books ★ Easyin App Reader ★ Very Small Download Size ★ Leo Tolstoy Biography Asa small market app developer we appreciate your taking the time toget to know us and our always free apps. We welcome any and allsuggestions, feedback or questions so please feel free to reach outto us directly. You can find us at our http://www.trustedfeed.comwebsite and on Google+ via you so much! Disclaimer: All content provided or linked viaour apps is DMCA compliant and licensed under Creative Commons orin the Public Domain. Please notify us immediately if you have anyquestions regarding this issue.
Movies TV Shows Free
A robust app featuring ALL FREE Public Domain Movies, TV ShowswithCommercials, Children's Movies, Television Shows, ClassicMovies,Kids TV, MEGA SEARCH and More! ★ Cool New Look for Summer ★Over28,000 Results in our Search Database ★ Very Small DownloadSize(2.5mb) All in the convenience of a simple app that has allkindsof features being added daily. Plus, it's FREE! ★ Top FreeMovieDownloads All-Time ★ Top TV Shows All-Time with Commercials★Search All Movies and TV Shows in Database ★ Millions ofFreeMovies and TV Episodes ★ Children's Movies and TV Shows ★ClassicMovies in Public Domain ★ Classic Commercials in PublicDomain As asmall market app developer we appreciate your taking thetime toget to know us. We welcome any and all suggestions, feedbackorquestions so please feel free to reach out to us directly. Youcanfind us at our website and onGoogle+via Thank you somuch!Check out our other highly rated apps as well. Disclaimer:Allcontent provided or linked via our apps is DMCA compliantandlicensed under Creative Commons or in the Public Domain.Pleasenotify us immediately if you have any questions regardingthisissue.
Sigmund Freud Books & Audio
A great app featuring All Free Sigmund Freud Books and Audiobooksinapp via public domain sources. Dream Psychology, DreamPsychologyAudio Book, The Interpretation of Dreams, TheInterpretation ofDreams Audiobook, A General Introduction toPsychoanalysis + Audio,The Psychopathology of Everyday Life, GroupPsychology and theAnalysis of the Ego and more! ★ Cool NewInterface for 2015 ★Sigmund Freud Classic Books ★ Sigmund FreudClassic Audio Books ★Easy in App Reader ★ Very Small Download Size★ Sigmund FreudBiography As a small market app developer weappreciate your takingthe time to get to know us and our alwaysfree apps. We welcome anyand all suggestions, feedback orquestions so please feel free toreach out to us directly. You canfind us at our website and on Google+via Thank you somuch!Disclaimer: All content provided or linked via our apps isDMCAcompliant and licensed under Creative Commons or in thePublicDomain. Please notify us immediately if you have anyquestionsregarding this issue.
Mark Twain Books & Audio Free
A great app featuring All Free Mark Twain Books and Audiobooksinapp via public domain sources. The Adventures of Tom Sawyer,TheAdventures of Huckleberry Finn, The Adventures of TomSawyerAudiobook, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Audiobook,AConnecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court, The InnocentsAbroad,Mark Twain Biography, The American Claimant, Roughing It,Life onthe Mississippi, The Mysterious Stranger and More! ★ CoolNewInterface for 2015 ★ Mark Twain Classic Books ★ Mark TwainClassicAudio Books ★ Easy in App Reader ★ Very Small Download Size★ MarkTwain Biography As a small market app developer we appreciateyourtaking the time to get to know us and our always free apps.Wewelcome any and all suggestions, feedback or questions sopleasefeel free to reach out to us directly. You can find us atour website and on Google+via Thank you somuch!Disclaimer: All content provided or linked via our apps isDMCAcompliant and licensed under Creative Commons or in thePublicDomain. Please notify us immediately if you have anyquestionsregarding this issue.
Learn Business Education Free
Interested in learning about business without taking therequiredcourses? Our app contains many textbooks from many businessfields.We also have a textbook search that finds textbooks in ourdatabaseand through other sources. In app reading as well as manydownloadformats for your use. This is the best business educationappavailable. We know you will love the format and contentfrombusiness marketing to management to accounting and law. Inadditionwe have textbooks on business ethics, administration,organization,finance and more. Come check us out! ★ Full TextbookSearch ★Thousands of Textbook Downloads ★ Free From Public DomainandBusiness Schools ★ Learn Business MBA Courses ★ And It IsFree!Disclaimer: All content provided or linked via our apps isDMCAcompliant and licensed under Creative Commons or in thePublicDomain. Please notify us immediately if you have anyquestionsregarding this issue.
Audio Books Free 4.1.2016.10.9
A great app featuring All Free Audiobooks, Audio BookSearch,Children's Books, Radio Books, Library Audiobooks and More!★ CoolNew Interface for Fall ★ Just Added Over 21,000 Audio Booksto theSearch Database All in the convenience of a simple app thathas allkinds of features being added daily. ★ Top 10 Free AudioBookDownloads All-Time ★ Search Engine for Free Audio BooksDatabase ★Millions of Free Audio Books ★ Children's Audiobooks ★ClassicAudio Books in Public Domain As a small market app developerweappreciate your taking the time to get to know us and ouralwaysfree apps. We welcome any and all suggestions, feedbackorquestions so please feel free to reach out to us directly. Youcanfind us at our website and onGoogle+via Thank you somuch! Newworks include: Edgar Allen Poe, Martin Luther King Jr.,CharlesDickens, Mark Twain, Jane Austen, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle,LeoTolstoy, William Shakespeare, Horatio Alger Jr. Disclaimer:Allcontent provided or linked via our apps is DMCA compliantandlicensed under Creative Commons or in the Public Domain.Pleasenotify us immediately if you have any questions regardingthisissue.
Charles Dickens Books & Audio
A great app featuring All Free Charles Dickens Books to read inappvia public domain sources. A Christmas Carol + Audiobook,OliverTwist + Audiobook, Great Expectations + Audiobook,DavidCopperfield + Audiobook, A Tale of Two Cities + Audiobook,BleakHouse, All Year Round and More! ★ Cool New Interface for 2015★Charles Dickens Classic Books ★ Charles Dickens Audio Books ★Easyin App Reader ★ Very Small Download Size ★ CharlesDickensBiography As a small market app developer we appreciate yourtakingthe time to get to know us and our always free apps. Wewelcome anyand all suggestions, feedback or questions so pleasefeel free toreach out to us directly. You can find us atour website and on Google+via Thank you somuch!Disclaimer: All content provided or linked via our apps isDMCAcompliant and licensed under Creative Commons or in thePublicDomain. Please notify us immediately if you have anyquestionsregarding this issue.
Media Simple Search Free
A robust app featuring All Free Mega Search of Music, Games,Movies,TV Shows, Podcasts, Radio, Books and more. Free downloadsearch ofmovie, music, and other media. ★ Very Small Download Size★ GreatNew Interface! All in the convenience of a simple app thathas allkinds of features being added daily. ★ Search with customresults ★Virtually any music, books or television show ★ Millionsof FreeMedia Downloads ★ All Free! ★ Books, Radio, Music, TVShows,Podcasts, Movies in the Public Domain and elsewhere As asmallmarket app developer we appreciate your taking the time toget toknow us. We welcome any and all suggestions, feedback orquestionsso please feel free to reach out to us directly. You canfind us atour website and on Google+via Thank you so much!Pleasesee our other apps with thousands of downloads. Fact is, wemakeapps people want and use. Disclaimer: All content provided orlinkedvia our apps is DMCA compliant and licensed under CreativeCommonsor in the Public Domain. Please notify us immediately ifyou haveany questions regarding this issue.